2019 Meet & Greet
Join us for an evening socializing and relaxing with friends. Participate in our Chinese auction and a 50/50 drawing. Enjoy a complimentary Chocolate versus No Chocolate Dessert Challenge. Meet and converse with admirable role models of all ages and from all walks of life during this community collaborative. These individuals will be sharing information about their outstanding contributions to our communities.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM (doors open at 5:30)
Century House
107 S Main St.
Acushnet, MA 02743
$10.00 per person. Admission includes light appetizers.
The event is open to people of all ages.
2019 Honorees
Karen Chace, The Standard Times 2018 Freetown Woman of the Year. Karen is a professional writer, storyteller and teaching artist. Visit Karen's webpage is www.storybug.net.
The Goulart Family of the Century House are being acknowledged as admirable role models for their business vision, commitment to excellence and sense of community over the past 44 years. Visit the Century House website at centuryhouse.biz
Nancy Sylvia is 85 years young and enjoying a completely independent lifestyle. This self-taught artist and gardener is a part of our 80, 90, 100 year young facet of Connecting the Dots. She personally donates designer jewelry for our Chinese auction every year.
Special Guest
Donna Palomba is the Founder/President of Jane Doe No More. Her story, "The Man Behind the Mask," was first aired on Dateline NBC. Her video, "Duty Trumps Doubt" is being used during roll call by law enforcement agencies across the country.